Beauty and the beast!

I’ve been looking at photographs on Twitter today and the differences in what people deem beautiful, love or are simply drawn to amazes me.  I saw this photograph of a climber in Greece and was quite awestruck. It, to me, is a stunning image set in a beautiful location which is now on my bucket list of places to visit.

Having spent far too long gazing at this, I moved on and came across another image that I was drawn to look at based on the pro photographers comment that he ‘loves this shot’. I don’t know what you think, but I was quite amazed when I opened the link to be confronted with this:

I don’t get it. My simple question is why? I’m always intrigued to find out what draws people to some images and what turns them away from others. It’s the same with modern art. I always remember the painting which is simply (in my mind) a canvas painted black. I don’t get it. Surely I could simply grab a canvas, paint it black, or blue or green for that matter, call it ‘art’ and sell it for a huge sum of money? If you have an answer, please let me in on the secret before I go mad!

One thought on “Beauty and the beast!

  1. Scott B. says:

    I have no answers for you but I agree with your sentiments. The first photograph, by the way, is simply outrageous…in a good, extraordinary way. Thank you for sharing that with us.

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